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AT4033 or AKG 414?

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/10/2003 - 22:18

I'm debating whether or not i should buy a pair of 414's for $1200CDN. Since I already have one 4033 I would just have to buy another one and that would be cheaper. Is it worth it to buy the AKG's even though they cost a lot more?


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dabmeister music

Guys I second that. I too own a AT4033 and do appreciate the sound quality it has but the 414 is in a class of it's own. If I'm not mistaking, the specs are a little different between the two. I think the 4033 has a range of 30Hz-20kHz and the 414 is 20Hz-20kHz w/ the multipattern options. But I'm sure with the addition of a very good pre-amp, either mic would probably stand out.

Thu, 09/11/2003 - 04:30 Permalink
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Thanks for all your reply's. I definately need a work horse and the 4033 just doesn't work on all applications. I'll be purchasing those shortly. If I was to get a mic pre to go with them which one would you recommend. I could probably spend about 1000-1500, and i would probably buy used. I was thinking either the sytek, api 3124 or the brent averill 1272.
thanks again for your input.

Thu, 09/11/2003 - 09:37 Permalink
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There is a fairly big difference between a Brent 1272 and an API, and a mic like the 414-ULS makes it even more apparant. A 1272 will tend to tame the 414 in a slower mellow way, the API is faster and more open sounding. The Focusrite Red is a good choice and is more in the middle of the two. I've used them all depending on the source, but the default for the 414 is my Focusrite Red-7 which has many times given great results.

Thu, 09/11/2003 - 10:37 Permalink
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Richard Monroe

I would do those 414's at that price in a heartbeat! I picked up a C414B-ULS last January, and wound up re-tracking nearly every acoustic guitar track on a 13 song CD, because it trashed everything else that had been tried. Good on acoustic guitar, mandolin, classic guitar, harp, Djembe, toms, as overheads, as an MS or Blumlein pair. They are neutral, and take well to judicious EQ. Quiet, and accurate. What's not to like? My only complaint with the mic is that I don't own another one.-Richie

Wed, 09/24/2003 - 18:51 Permalink