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Attn all RME HDSP Users: 3.01 Drivers are FINAL!

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Submitted by Randyman... on

Anyone running an RME HDSP card will CERTAINLY want to upgrade to these fabulous new drivers. They are much improved over the old 2.94 drivers from 2005, and allow lower latencies with less CPU Strain! 1.5ms should be attainable on most fast systems, and I'm presonally shooting to get the 0.75ms latency working . This is insane for a native system, and even puts the Apogee Symphony to shame ;) .

This is my preferred update methood: You will need to update the driver first. Then, reboot. Then run the FUT (Flash Update Tool) to update the HSDP Firmware so it will support the new drivers. POWER DOWN the PC (including powering down the PSU), and reboot. Then Windows will do its "Found New Hardware" thing, and then manually point to the 3.01 drivers, and install them (or cancel the Windows New Hardware thing, and manually install the drivers).

The initial Driver install is optional, but I do it anyways. I haven't had a single issue on all 3 of my HDSP cards.

These just came out today, but I have been beta testing the 3.00 b19 and b20 drivers for a few weeks w/o issues. I'll be upgrading to 3.01 Final drivers as soon as I get home (on all 3 of my HDSP systems )


DO IT! There is talks of a PCIe HDSP card in the works for the Fall of 07, too. I'm not sure if it will sport any improvements to the HDSP system, but I'm hoping on multiple HDSP Ports (like the MOTU PCIe 424 card), and even LOWER latencies with the dedicated PCIe bus talking directly to the Northbridge w/o any interrupts.

I believe the Fireface also has some new Beta Drivers. You need to goto the RME Newsgroup (http://) to see those (and an appropriate Newsgroup Reader like Outlook Express, etc).

I'm stoaked. :D