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First, thanks to who had the idea of these forums, they're great, and excuse my english, it's not my main langauge.

The question is that I bought an m-audio audiophile USB to improve my system (p42800, 1gig RAM, winXP optimizated). It seemed to work well, low latency, stable...but using Cubase sx2 i got a big problem. When I've been working for a while, out latency suddently goes up to 30 (which doesn't allow me to record, cause this card does not have direct monitor). It seems like something makes it go high very fast, but I didn't find what it was.
The thing is that i thought about purchasing an audiophile 2496. It's only 100$, I don't mind getting it internal (less noise, maybe?), less latency than USB, I hope, and it's got Direct monitor.
I thought the new Audiophile USB would be the "USB version" of the older 2496, but it seems like not (Mine even doesn't have the routing capabilities and all that).
Seems like people talk well about 2496. Would You people recommend it to me?
Thanks a lot!

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