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Background air conditioning noise

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Submitted by anonymous on

I have recorded a conference where I could not switch of the air conditioning, and so there is a background hum in all my recordings, which are here:

I am a mac user, and I would be grateful for any suggestions of how I can reduce this.


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Space wrote: What kind of mic is that you are using? I'm not a mic guy...but I think someone dropped a pen in the back row and I heard it:)

If you have to do more of these sessions maybe closer mic placement and some trick eq would mask it down a touch?


A pair of stereo laveliers from Giant Squid:

I am a beginner, but these are really amazingly sensitive. Perhaps too sensitive here. They were taped to the lectern. I had the option of using the feed from the main microphone, but it was mono output, so I used my own.

Tue, 07/31/2007 - 17:13 Permalink