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Behringer MX9000 Crosstalk problems

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24 years 4 months
Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 07/06/2004 - 17:02

I got a new MX9000 a short time ago and found I have some pretty serious crosstalk. All active channels bleed through to the aux sends even with all faders down and all channel auxes down. Anybody else here for an MX9000, and if so do you have these issues?


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22 years 7 months
Kurt Foster

Sorry those guys seem a bit harsh ... they really mean well and are offeing good advice.

This may be a problem of the overall design or it may be a problem with the particular unit you have. Behringer uses very inexpensive components and cheap labor in working conditions that have been called at best, suspect ... so it is easy to understand the occasional lemon slipping through quality control ... (did I really say quality control ??? At Behringer ???ah-haa-haa-haa) .

As I said before, I would return the mixer to the dealer where I bought it and have a long conversation about the subject with them. If they can give you a new one that works correctly and you are happy with that, then fine. Perhaps they will allow you to upgrade to a Mackie or something a bit better if you wish.. Good Luck

Wed, 07/07/2004 - 12:02 Permalink