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budget mastering speakers

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Submitted by Pez on Tue, 02/15/2005 - 20:54

Need some advice on some budget speakers to use for mastering (not mixing). Is there anything that could be recommended in the 500.00 to 2000.00 range? Audiophile speakers perhaps?


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Massive Mastering

If I was going to try to get a decent setup for $2,000...

A pair of (new) B&W DM604 S3's ($1,400/pair), a nice used Bryston 2B or 3B ($500) and a set of Cobalt speaker cables ($100).

You could also drop down to a pair of DM603's and throw in a Velodyne VX-10 subwoofer and probably come out with enough left for pizza.

It wouldn't be "the shite" but it would certainly beat the living hell out of most home & project studio mastering rigs...

Tue, 02/15/2005 - 21:10 Permalink
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Massive Mastering

I auditioned several 600 series models... Even the 602.5's were excellent for the bucks. I'd go with the 603's at a minimum though... And then a Velodyne and maybe a Central Station...

Oh, it can get so messy...

But still, Even the "budget" B&W's are just great sounding speakers. Natural, detailed... Very un-sterile sounding.

Not as revealing as the upper lines of course, but for around 1/6th the price, you can't go wrong.

Thu, 02/17/2005 - 21:37 Permalink
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Some of Ken Goerres speakers may fit in that price range- he does some pretty darned good stuff (known partially for his work with Chris Pelonis). Also, if you can find any of Bob Norberg's speakers (especially the model 28 ) they are another rare, but pretty good speaker... They certainly look strange, but looks aside, they sound great (that is what I'm using as my main monitors here).


Thu, 02/17/2005 - 22:18 Permalink
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Pez wrote: I tried the dealer search but it doesn't show us dealers. The link of the owner for the used pair for sale doesn't work. lol- not much luck today.

try this

make sure that the last period (the one after the dot com) is included when you type or paste the link into your browser.

This will make the B&W page load fresh. From there you should be able to select your country and language preference. Then it will bring you to the page that has the dealer locator link.

Thu, 02/24/2005 - 09:38 Permalink