I'd like to understand why I can't change the Buffer Size - which is on
256 - in my card interface. There is some arrows to change it but
nothing happens when I touch them.
Not possible in Cubase too... to field for doing this is gray, can't
touch it.
I have a Celeron 2.4 GHz et 512 Mb of memory (Windows). I use Cubase sx 2.0.
Thanks for you help!
Are you trying to change it with Cubase open? Try it with no aud
Are you trying to change it with Cubase open? Try it with no audio apps running..
IT WORKS! When I bought the card and installed the drivers, I c
When I bought the card and installed the drivers, I could have swear I'd tried it with Cubase close...
Anyways, thanks a lot IIRs! :)