hey i just bought a Roland VSR 880 digital recorder and i was wondering if it was possible to hook up a Yamaha emx5000 to it. if possible can you tell me what to do to record. thanks
tragedyman wrote: hey i just bought a roland vsr 880 digital recorder and i was wondering if it was possible to hook up a yamaha emx5000 to it. if possible can you tell me what to do to record. thanks
tragedyman wrote: hey i just bought a roland vsr 880 digital rec
Push the red button.
Actually, it's probably a combination of the red button and the
Actually, it's probably a combination of the red button and the button with an arrow on it.
Oh, and to hook both your devices together you'll need a special
Oh, and to hook both your devices together you'll need a special cable. You can get them at Guitar Center. Ask for it by its part number: id 10T
hey thanks but you didnt need to be a jackass. i already got it
hey thanks but you didnt need to be a jackass. i already got it all hooked up
tragedyman wrote: hey thanks but you didnt need to be a jackass.
See how far over and above I go?