Your Avatar Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 19:20 I'm planning to get a new imac 20 and a Firepod, I know the Firepod has intelmac drivers available, does anyone know if the bundled Cubase LE software will work on the new macs? I've been looking here but no answer so far. Cheers Tags cubase intel Log in or register to post comments Comments Your Avatar gdoubleyou Due to lack of specific OSX optimization, Cubase will work under Due to lack of specific OSX optimization, Cubase will work under Rosetta. Steinberg says possibly by the end of summer, they are currently asking for beta testers on Hopefully the MacIntel version will work better than the PPC version. Currently SX holds the cpu-killer crown for mac DAWs 8) Log in or register to post comments Thu, 06/08/2006 - 13:28 Permalink
Your Avatar gdoubleyou Due to lack of specific OSX optimization, Cubase will work under Due to lack of specific OSX optimization, Cubase will work under Rosetta. Steinberg says possibly by the end of summer, they are currently asking for beta testers on Hopefully the MacIntel version will work better than the PPC version. Currently SX holds the cpu-killer crown for mac DAWs 8) Log in or register to post comments Thu, 06/08/2006 - 13:28 Permalink
Due to lack of specific OSX optimization, Cubase will work under
Due to lack of specific OSX optimization, Cubase will work under Rosetta.
Steinberg says possibly by the end of summer, they are currently asking for beta testers on
Hopefully the MacIntel version will work better than the PPC version.
Currently SX holds the cpu-killer crown for mac DAWs