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DAW Controller question

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Submitted by siog on Sat, 03/08/2014 - 04:59

Hi all,

I have a choice between a new Mackie Control Universal Pro* at EUR 1,200 or a used Mackie Universal Controller eMagic** for EUR 400. Naturally, the used one seems more attractive but can anyone advise if it will integrate as well with Sonar 8.5 as the newer model will?

Many thanks for advice!

* [=""]Mackie Control Universal Pro Expandable DAW Controller[/]="http://www.soundsli…"]Mackie Control Universal Pro Expandable DAW Controller[/]
** [[url=http://="http://www.adverts…"]Mackie Universal Controller Usb For Sale in Galway from travelman[/]="http://www.adverts…"]Mackie Universal Controller Usb For Sale in Galway from travelman[/]