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Whats the maths to work out how much delay to use someone told me to divide 60000 by the bpm can anyone help me?



Seedlings Sun, 05/13/2007 - 18:51

Egad, you're right, dementedchord!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ begin math lesson ~~~~~~~~~~~~

1 minute is 60000ms.

Beats-per-minute = beats-per-60000ms.

If you take, say, 95 bpm, and you'd like to know how many ms are in each beat,

95 beats/60000ms = 0.001583 beats-per-millisecond.

Now you need to find the reciprocal of 0.001583, or 1/0.001583

which is 631.58 milliseconds-per-beat.

So, if you'd like your delay to repeat 2 times per beat, you'd need to cut that in half, or 315.79 milliseconds. If you want 4 repeats per beat, you'd divide by 4...etc.

Now, the master formula:

1/(b/6000) = milliseconds-per-beat, where b is your tempo
in beats-per-minute

Then divide that number by how many times you'd like it to repeat per beat. I've found that you can round off the amount after the decimal and not notice.

More info than you probably wanted,


Boswell Mon, 05/14/2007 - 05:48

Yes, it was perhaps a little over-complicated.

There are 60000 milliseconds in a minute, so just divide 60000 by the beats per minute to get the time per beat in milliseconds.

Then divide that figure by the number of intervals per beat to get the interval time in milliseconds.

For the example of 95 bpm and 4 intervals (repeats) per beat:

60000 / 95 = 631.58 milliseconds per beat

631.58 / 4 = 157.9 milliseconds per interval

Halifaxsoundguy Mon, 05/21/2007 - 16:36

Wow, how complicated! I've been using what he's been talking about now for four years. I use it mainly for my guitar sounds. take 60000 then divide by BPM to get a slower delay or divide the remaining number by 2 to get a faster delay. I don't play much out of 4/4 so I can't help you with delay there.

heres a really good chart hope the link works.

(Dead Link Removed)

i don't think the link will work i can email the picture to you.


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