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I have 512 meg of ram. Some people have said to just "disable virtual memory" Do you recommend this? If I do set my own virtual memory is the equation 512 + 1/2(768) Or is it double + half(1280)?


Opus2000 Sun, 10/07/2001 - 17:10

DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRUMSTANCES DISABLE VIRTUAL MEMORY!!!!!!!!! I cant stress that could possibly damage your system that way..I have never tried it... since from day one on PC's all my tech friends who taught me everything have always warned me from doing so....I always took their word for it...I would too!!! I hear it could possibly fuck up the clusters on your hard drive....leave it alone!! I would set it to around 200min and have plenty of RAM to make up for it...

Ang1970 Mon, 10/08/2001 - 21:29

I've disabled it on occasion to fix things... but always turn it back on when I'm finished.

Windows is reliant on it, because it's a whore. I don't know about fucking up your HD sectors tho. The worst I've seen is it runs out of memory trying to run too much stuff, and you crash. Sectors are no more likely to be damaged here than any other crash. But any crash is a pita, and it's better to avoid than to tempt lady fate.


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