I am trying to decide on a harddrive arrangement for my new DAW setup.
I originally thought about this:
1x WD 250GB for applications/installations/OS
2x WD 250GB for Samples/Library running in a RAID 1?
2x WD 750GB for Session/Project files running in a RAID 1?
A friend suggested why not bump the library drives up to 500GB or even match it to 750GB, samples and libraries can become huge. Especially since I will be doing a lot of music composition and song writing, and mixing.
One thing that has always scared me was losing data, especially my session files. Alot of the music I have written is precious and if my one drive failed I'd be screwed. I tried making backups but it becomes sloppy if one drive is smaller than the other. That is why I wanted a RAID 1 setup.
The RAID 0+1 seems to work well too but requires too many harddrives. It looks like the ASUS P5K boards can handle 6 SATA drives so I don't think I want to go overboard with the harddrives.
Anyone have a suggestion for the harddrive configuration on my new build? I am also thinking, what is the point of backing up my samples/library if they will probably be shipped via DVD anyway? I could just save money running my library and samples on a single 500GB drive. Thanks for all the help! =)
HI, raid 1 is a joke. raid 0+1 is worse. Raid 0 is the only raid
raid 1 is a joke. raid 0+1 is worse.
Raid 0 is the only raid that makes sense in a daw. and even then rarely.
you dont need raid 0 on your audio drives unless doing over 40+ of 96K and only if you are not using PT/Cubendo.
PT and Cubendo allow for writing to multiple drives without raid.
raid 0 for samples is pointless anymore. it made sense yrs ago with slower drives and disk streaming samples (giga)
if you want to protect your data then learn to back up your work frequently.
too lazy? then get auto back up software and a raid 5 external array.
(or internal with a real raid card, not onboard)
Very interesting I see... I think most importantly is to back u
Very interesting I see...
I think most importantly is to back up the sessions and project files and folders. Basically the stuff that can't be replaced easily...
And I definitely do not mind using Backup software. I've been using Powerquest Datakeeper on my current computer but I do not like the interface and the way it makes backups. I also set it up very strange and my harddrives are a mess.
Which is why I'm building a new dedicated DAW and want to keep it clean with good backups.
So, just curious, if RAID provides no advantage and simple backup can be achieve by software, could I run a 250GB for programs/OS, 500GB for samples, and 2 x 750GB for sessions/projects and simply have an imaging/backups software regularly autobackup to the second drive at shut down for example?
I'm with Scott I've never used RAID on any of my Audio Sytems .
I'm with Scott
I've never used RAID on any of my Audio Sytems ... even way back at Soundtools or PT-Mix
(yes on the video editors but not these days except for the network based video systems)
I don't even put my audio on two drives anymore
then I'm not doing things at 96 or 192 and my tracks counts are not in the 100s
most of my stuff seems to fit into 32 rarely over 40 and after a bit of editing things can always be neater
As Scott said
a quick click and drag of the session folder to another drive while having a cuppa or toilet break will make a back-up
do this when you get to a significant point of recording
lunch time
dinner time
pizza time
coffee time
... err yeah ... then too
end of the day
it's not hard to back-up
do it
Awesome, thanks for that info. Looks like a RAID is quite "Redun
Awesome, thanks for that info. Looks like a RAID is quite "Redundant" ? =P I think I will save the money and space and one smaller drive and 3 larger drives, one being a backup and maybe I will find good backup software or make a habit of copying over my session files to my other drive. And I suppose backing up to internal or external is a preference and is based on how often you take the data to different systems.
yes I like the click and drag to the other drive when I say so a
yes I like the click and drag to the other drive when I say so and not when software says so
(that's just me though)
even if you don't take the data to different systems, it's really NOT backed-up until it is in a different place
that probably means a different building
a portable drive with recent copies of the session folders that go with you when you leave the building
helps to give you confidence
especialy if the studio and machine is used by other people
nothing has changed here since the 1st computer