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Basics of Coincident and Near Coincident arrays.

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Submitted by TheJackAttack on Sun, 07/17/2011 - 13:32

I can't find or remember where I posted a similar thread so I'll just throw this one in for giggles. I was seeking info on some other subject when google sent me to AKG and I found the page good enough to link here for some of the beginners to large/small ensemble acoustic recording.

Mic Arrays

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Submitted by TheJackAttack on Fri, 07/08/2011 - 09:41

The subject of mic arrays comes up quite a bit or is implied in many of the responses to questions here at RO. Here is a vid of what appears to be a custom built Decca Tree with extra attachment points. Posting this vid is not an endorsement of any mic pictured or advocating using that many microphones all the time/as a universal application.

Triangulation with Microphone Array

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Submitted by segerfan83 on Mon, 03/28/2011 - 17:05

I posted on this board a while back about what equipment to use to locate a singing bird within a microphone array. I purchased stand alone units from to do everything I need (omnidirectional mics, gps for time syncing, and sd card for .wav file storage). We are going to have a total of 6 microphones.

Using Omni As Centre Mic in MS Array

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 01/08/2006 - 21:31

First, let me apologise for hogging posts by posting two in a row but I am on holidays.

I have been doing mid side recording now for some time in a variety of contexts (foley, recording ensembles, choir) and using a variety of mic set ups. Usually I am using Sennheiser. MHH40/30 with rather loose middle provided by the MKH40. I like this technique.