I just moved my studio downstairs into a room that's temperature usually is pretty low. I would say around 55-60 degrees. I have noticed that my system has been overloading much more then before. I noticed the external hard drive is cold in temperature when I feel it. Could that be causing my system to overload?
What do you mean by overloading? Generally speaking, it is bett
What do you mean by overloading?
Generally speaking, it is better to run electronic equipment in a cool room. Heat is the enemy.
Unless your disk drive is marginal, ambient temperature variations in the range you describe will have no effect on performance. A drive reaches its operating temperature after a few minutes of use.
If your drive does appear to be sensitive to temperature, you should replace it before you lose valuable data.
Does the Lacie also have a Firewire option that allows for daisy
Does the Lacie also have a Firewire option that allows for daisy chaining?
I can't help but think it's a software setup thing. Is it possible that settings have changed since you moved it? Have you maybe opted to leave the power adapter for the Lacie unconnected for convenience sake? I'm taking stabs in the dark here.
Ok, I guess I was connecting it wrong. I put a firewire output f
Ok, I guess I was connecting it wrong. I put a firewire output from my audio interface to the computer and a firewire output from my audio interface to my hard-drive. Is that correct?
I still have the same core audio problem though.
Are there settings in logic that I need to change? Audio settings? Buffer settings?
thanks for you help
No, that's not correct. You need separate ports on your compute
No, that's not correct. You need separate ports on your computer to connect these devices. You cannot daisychain and you cannot direct connect. So your audio interface is plugged into your FireWire. You're disk drive also needs to be plugged into your computer, not into your audio device. If you do not have a secondary FireWire port, try your USB 2.0 port, to your hard disk drive. Put the lime in the coconut and drink it all down.
I'll take another coconut please
Ms. Remy Ann David
USB 2.0 is actually rated as being slightly faster than FireWire
USB 2.0 is actually rated as being slightly faster than FireWire 400. From what I understand it's the caching that is different in how it handles the data stream. I have no problem playing back 24 tracks with USB 2.0 & 7500 rpm, 3.5" hard drives. Any other hiccups on playback, with plug-ins running, is usually buffer settings. Plus other trash running in the background on your PC. That can be remedied by going to your start menu, to, RUN & inputting " MSconfig " followed by enter. Go to startup and start deselecting everything. Then go to the services tab, select "show everything except Microsoft services". And start to deselect whatever isn't 100% necessary. Then you can restart your computer.
See if that does it for you?
Ms. Remy Ann David
RemyRAD wrote: USB 2.0 is actually rated as being slightly faste
RemyRAD wrote: USB 2.0 is actually rated as being slightly faster than FireWire 400. From what I understand it's the caching that is different in how it handles the data stream. I have no problem playing back 24 tracks with USB 2.0 & 7500 rpm, 3.5" hard drives. Any other hiccups on playback, with plug-ins running, is usually buffer settings. Plus other trash running in the background on your PC. That can be remedied by going to your start menu, to, RUN & inputting " MSconfig " followed by enter. Go to startup and start deselecting everything. Then go to the services tab, select "show everything except Microsoft services". And start to deselect whatever isn't 100% necessary. Then you can restart your computer.
See if that does it for you?
Ms. Remy Ann David
Talk about giving a monkey a musket.
That's weird, electronics have to be designed to work in a clima
That's weird, electronics have to be designed to work in a climate range, but cooling them down isn't usually a problem. Unless ice forms from moisture in the air.
Snap freezing and then thawing can sometimes work to make dead HDD come back to life. Little random nugget there. :P
To answer the question, temperature does affect things. But I doubt it's what's causing this problem.
Please, anyone. Discuss further. I'm making things up as I go along.