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dominican drum recording technique...

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 08/08/2004 - 23:39

Anyone here has heard the latest album from Juan luis Guerra?...i think the recording Eng. is Eric Shilling, i`m very interested to know his recording technique in the "tambora dominicana" and percussion in general...please, if anyone know something about it, tell us a little... :D thanx in advance


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That is a rather rare instrument, the only people that use it that I know of are real authentic Merengue bands-- I guess their common enough in the Dominican Republic though.

I'd mic both heads and make sure the percussionist is in a quite chair and on a rug unless I liked what his feet were sounding like.

I'd also try just a stereo pair out and awa a bit and up around 5 feet high, ORTF I'd start with (but really that is more like just a personal perference as I think about the situation). Most hand pecussion I stereo mic and I've done a bunch of them but never a Tambora.

I think it is important to think about the two head and the two very different ways of playing them (one with bare hand, one witha short stick) and considering the balance between them you want-- and I suspect mic positioning would have everything to do with that.

Wed, 08/11/2004 - 12:31 Permalink
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Aziel wrote: Anyone here has heard the latest album from Juan luis Guerra?...i think the recording Eng. is Eric Shilling, i`m very interested to know his recording technique in the "tambora dominicana" and percussion in general...please, if anyone know something about it, tell us a little... :D thanx in advance

I'll see if I can get ahold of him and see what he say's.

Fri, 08/13/2004 - 18:50 Permalink
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anonymous`s a drum used in merengue, but, Juan Luis Guerra, have a unique sound among others merengue bands, is not just the arrangements (wich are greeeeeeeeeat) it`s the recording work...sounds diferent, i can guess the money helps...but, there something else...maybe the fact that Erick is not a latin guy and he ha imported the " gringo sound" (no offense, just a said :D ) to the`s just incredible...amazing 8-)

Fri, 08/13/2004 - 22:51 Permalink
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Tambora is a native percussion instrument. I've record it for years and the thing is that no matter how you mic it, the sound comes from the musician. Like in any music language "better the musician better the sound"

I've been a Rec Eng with +25yrs of experience in the Latin market

My technique in it is very simple but works great!
2 large dia mic (U87's) one in each side facing the skin making sure that isnt in the musician's way and a shure 57 or a md421 on top of the tambora for "el palo"

I never compress perc,I dont like to kill the transients but is a personal opinion.

If you have any question about latin perc dont hesitate to email me and I will help as much as posible

Juan "Pericles" Covas


Tue, 08/17/2004 - 18:14 Permalink