Recording Contest for young sound engineers / students
We'd like to inform you about a recording contest, focusing on a recording technique used decades ago, which can still produce stunning results today.
Maybe you have could think of some interested young sound engineers/trainees ?
The contest started on September 1st 2024 and run until January 31st, 2025.
Pro Tools multitrack live recording beep on listening
I am kinda new to Pro Tools. Trying to live record a multitrack of a band. I can also listen to the output (on my headphones), but sometimes I hear a weird high pitch noise for a second. Wondering what that could be. I use dante from our digital mixer, routing it and all seems to be fine. But that weird noise is strange.
Recording flutes played live
Stereo recording from the center of a circle?
I’d like to make recordings of our group of musicians who play irish music. We get together every week and sit in a circle, in a private space (not a bar), and play Irish tunes. I’d like to avoid interfering with the group dynamic in our small circle and not be intrusive, so here’s my thought, let me know what you think.
Studio Recording Mic Choice Help
Hello everyone, I am currently at university studying sound engineering and am conducting some research on microphone choice in the industry. I am calling on anyone with studio recording experience to complete this short questionnaire (~15 minutes) giving your 2 cents on which microphone you would use in specific music recording situations.
Recording Soundtracks Quickly
I've made a significant business shift going all in on video work. As I have talked about before soundtracks are very important for video.
For the last year and a half all of the custom sound tracks I've made have been ITB programmed with midi with additional guitars using amp sims, mixed on ear buds.
Recording classical in studio (on a budget)
Hello all! I am new here and have not been in the music business or in a studio in decades. I have been recording my songs (pop/rock/blues) on my home digital studio for years (BOSS BR-1180)... But now my daughter is composing contemporary classical pieces (think Philip Glass) and it is time to record them. She has written a Cello and Violin part to a couple
Any singing recording app?
Hey guys! I've been singing professionally for more than 15 years and I finally decided to start my TikTok profile with singing covers, etc. However, I noticed that it' still better to have your vocals pre-recorded than singing it live. I don't have any professional microphone, but I heard that you can get a pretty decent recording just using your smartphone.
Interfacing Ambient Recording ACN-CL to MOTU DTP
Video has an Ambient Recording ACN-CL (which outputs carry timecode and genlock) and can provide me with output from the Ambient on a BNC cable.
I have a MOTU DTP, which has a BNC video input that can genlock to video and to VITC.