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drummer seeks advice for building studio in sucky garage

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Submitted by xaphod on Tue, 04/12/2011 - 02:47

Hey y'all
I'm new here, hope i'm posting in the right place.
I have a rare opportunity - a month and a half with pay but no work, and gotta stay at home because we have a newborn kid. I want to build a studio in my garage, which is relatively big with a hard tile floor as in the pic below:


The MAIN GOAL is to reduce the amount of sound outside of the garage, because I live in switzerland and the noise is too much. I'd like to accomplish this in a way that allows me to use my mics that I already have to record some tracks. Then later my friends will bring their guitars/amps etc and we'll go from there...

I have time, and some cash. I probably need to build a drum shield/wall thing myself because they are @#$@ing expensive in switzerland (at least $1000) and I can't find any used (yet). Do you have a recommendation for how to do this? It doesn't matter how ugly it is!

thx for your help

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