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Kurt. once again I need your assistance and advice! I have had BAD LUCK with CDR's! My Phillips 808 and 765 were short lived,one crackles, one doesn't record anymore. Is there a decent CDR out there at a LOW price? Or were mine just too early in the development? Or am I being too cheap?Are there some specs I need to be looking for? My studio is ADATs and I need to go to disc to check my mixes and overall sound pretty frequently, or I get way off track sound-wise! Also-what, if any, is the difference between a CD recorder and a CD Burner? thanks again! please help! at a stand-still! Chris Anderson


Kurt Foster Thu, 06/05/2003 - 18:30

I'm guessing here... I think a burner is a drive for a computer and a recorder is a stand alone unit with converters. I have been using a Fostex CR200 for several years now and it still works with lots of miles on it. It can be a bit finicky as far as playing back certain discs but I think almost all players have this problem. Some kinds of media just don't work well in some recorders... Kurt