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Dynaudio bm15a Experienced users needed.

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 04/13/2005 - 07:24

Hi, I plan to purchase a stereo pair of Dynaudio bm15a without sub extension. Are they really appropriate for nearfield mixing?
Regards Tamas Dragon


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I'm using the BM15's (passives with a Hafler P3000 amp). They are a great monitor. They are VERY picky about placement. Be prepared to spend several hours tweeking their location. Also - they are run-in dependent. They advise 100 hours of run in before real use. I would say that 24-48 hours of straight pink noise at 85-90dB should suffice.

All that being said - they are excellent for near or mid-field monitoring. Perhaps the best sounding speakers in anywhere near their price range.


Wed, 04/13/2005 - 09:23 Permalink