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Dynaudio is a Danish loudspeaker maker, founded in 1977. Dynaudio builds speakers using only their own drivers. Dynaudio has a subsidiary called Dynaudio Acoustics that focuses on professional studio monitor loudspeakers.

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Submitted by goodguys on Tue, 07/17/2012 - 00:08

Hi. And thanks for taking the time to read this post.

I have been offered a pair of brand new Dynaudio d75 miids for £100 and am wondering if they are worth buying. After googlng there appears to be little info about them on the web.

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Submitted by flatrat on Fri, 09/30/2011 - 21:06

Ok, so I am in a little quandry. My M-Audio EX66's have blown another tweeter. never again will I replace or buy those again! Temporarily I am using my "little" M-Audio Studiophile monitors to get by until I can get something decent. I have about $1200.00 to for the upgrade.

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Submitted by audiokid on Thu, 06/23/2011 - 17:13

Wow, quick skinny on the Neumann KH 120

What excellent near fields active studio monitors, including stellar for my mobile recording rig. These are very well built and only 13.7 lbs.

I just received mine yesterday so they are breaking in but I'm really impressed. My first impression, the mids are where they shine.

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Submitted by dimiz on Mon, 02/07/2011 - 14:01

Hello guys

i'm thinking of buying one of these two monitors and i am wondering whether i will need a sub. my room is 3,50m x 2,80m and i'm producing trance.
i would like to buy an 8" monitor though. again i don't know if my room will be ok for it.

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/02/2009 - 18:01

Every XLR cable I have tried on either one of my Dynaudio studio monitors does not fit well into monitor's connector. I can get sound, but the connectors sit in their 'loosely' and does not provide for a stable connection. Has anybody with Dynaudio's have this problem? Please help because this is aggravating.

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Submitted by TheArchitect on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 16:09

These come highly recommended from everything I see so I gave them a good listen while shopping. I have to admit, they seemed kind of wooly/overly full in the lows/low mids to me. It seemed that it covered up the higher frequencies a bit. Am I just used to monitors that are a long way from flat or is this really the case? I tend to mix 2-4k a little too forward as is.