Can anyone recommend where I can get Dynaudio M2 monitors 2nd hand in France, Germany or the UK ? I am based in France and have always dreamt of getting these wonderful speaker.
All info appreciated.
Thank you
Can anyone recommend where I can get Dynaudio M2 monitors 2nd hand in France, Germany or the UK ? I am based in France and have always dreamt of getting these wonderful speaker.
All info appreciated.
Thank you
Dynaudio M3A Professional Studio Monitors. (yes, these are pictures of the actual speakers for sale, not stock photos...and I don't know why the one picture is sideways, but it is...) These are amazing studio speakers! One of the top studio monitors, used in hundreds of high-end studios around the world.
Hi. And thanks for taking the time to read this post.
I have been offered a pair of brand new Dynaudio d75 miids for £100 and am wondering if they are worth buying. After googlng there appears to be little info about them on the web.
Ok, so I am in a little quandry. My M-Audio EX66's have blown another tweeter. never again will I replace or buy those again! Temporarily I am using my "little" M-Audio Studiophile monitors to get by until I can get something decent. I have about $1200.00 to for the upgrade.
What excellent near fields active studio monitors, including stellar for my mobile recording rig. These are very well built and only 13.7 lbs.
I just received mine yesterday so they are breaking in but I'm really impressed. My first impression, the mids are where they shine.
Hello guys
i'm thinking of buying one of these two monitors and i am wondering whether i will need a sub. my room is 3,50m x 2,80m and i'm producing trance.
i would like to buy an 8" monitor though. again i don't know if my room will be ok for it.
Has anyone done a serious A/B on the differences between the two?
The mosfet amps sounds better?
Has the low mid hump been identified in the BM6A and was it taken out in the MKII's or is this all bogus?
Who has what and who has done comparisons.
What's your favorite DK-Technologies monitors?
Every XLR cable I have tried on either one of my Dynaudio studio monitors does not fit well into monitor's connector. I can get sound, but the connectors sit in their 'loosely' and does not provide for a stable connection. Has anybody with Dynaudio's have this problem? Please help because this is aggravating.
These come highly recommended from everything I see so I gave them a good listen while shopping. I have to admit, they seemed kind of wooly/overly full in the lows/low mids to me. It seemed that it covered up the higher frequencies a bit. Am I just used to monitors that are a long way from flat or is this really the case? I tend to mix 2-4k a little too forward as is.