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Explaining word clock

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 12/15/2004 - 13:51

Hi All,
This may be a dumb question, but do I need a master clock source in my setup ? I'm using 2 digimax 8 ch pres (lightpipe) as well as 4 analong inputs into an RME Hammerfall card, and recording to Nuendo. I don't hear anything weird but some other reading has got me concerned.
Thanks in advance



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I personally believe that a good master word clock source is a nice addition to any DAW setup and can definitely help in critical situations. If you don't have any other digital gear other than your pre's (presonus right?) you can probably get away without one.

The next time you record/mix/whatever I suggest, if you can, is to rent (or borrow a friends, or audition one from your local dealer, steal, whatever) a word sync generator to do an a/b test. If you hear an improvement, great. If not, don't bother buying one.

Wed, 12/15/2004 - 14:46 Permalink