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FL Studio - Recording problems w/ interface

Submitted by Oni J on Sun, 07/16/2017 - 09:42

So, to start things off, I've been recording most of my music over the years on a simple USB mic (AT2020 to be exact), and as faithful as it's been since I've had it, I finally decided to jump to the next level and start working with XLR mics and recently bought an AT4040 (I'm overall very fond of Audio-technica -brand products), along with a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 2nd-Gen, One-Input interface.

The issue I have right now is that while I'm doing both sound tests and actually recording into FL Studio, I notice that although my vocals are particularly quiet, they still get a lot of popping sounds as if they're too hot/distorted. I've tried switching drivers already (moving around from the "Primary Sound Driver" to "Asio4All" to FL Studio's driver) with no avail. Even when I select the Focusrite driver (for the interface itself), there keeps popping up a screen telling me I need at least 2 available channels in order to use that driver. I'm not too sure what that exactly entails but I feel like that may be one of the only viable solutions. However, I haven't fully tried adjusting the actual latency compensation for the Asio4All driver, but I've adjusted a few samples to the left and right and it seems to make no difference as the vocals are still quiet and are still distorted on top of that..


Because you are no longer using the AT 2020 USB, you may have a device conflict happening between the newer Focusrite and the old USB audio device... and your DAW program doesn't know for sure which device to talk to.
Go to Control Panel/Audio and make sure that the Focusrite is selected as your system's default audio device, and disable the older AT USB device.
See if that helps.

Tue, 07/18/2017 - 06:05 Permalink