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recording problems

FL Studio - Recording problems w/ interface

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Submitted by Oni J on

So, to start things off, I've been recording most of my music over the years on a simple USB mic (AT2020 to be exact), and as faithful as it's been since I've had it, I finally decided to jump to the next level and start working with XLR mics and recently bought an AT4040 (I'm overall very fond of Audio-technica -brand products), along with a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 2nd-Gen, One-Input interface.

Problem recording with Saffire 24 interface and Belari mic preamp

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Submitted by EMCEE EXORCIST on

Problem recording with Saffire 24 interface and Belari mic preamp. The problem is i want the my Mic about 10 inchs away from my mouth while i monitor through my headphones but i have to turn the mic gain up considerable in order to hear well through headphones, but if i turn up mic gain up the preamp noise increases too much.

Recording problem with nuendo 2

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Submitted by bhavesh on

Hello friend I'm using delta 1010 LT sound card which has 2 direct microphone connectivity. After connecting microphone 1 & 2 & assigning audio channel in nuendo 2. I'm unable to detect microphone output after turning monitor on in the audio channel & unable to record after activating record button. Please any one can help me. Thanks Bhavesh.

Problem recording two lavalier mics in close proximity - Help!

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Submitted by rightmindedness on

I'm having a serious audio recording problem using two Sennheiser MKE 2 lavalier mics in close proximity. Here's the situation. My wife and I are recording a live video broadcast. We sit directly next to each other facing a video camera. There's only about 6 inches between our chairs. I speak very loudly. She speaks very quietly. Both mics are going into a Mackie Onyx mixer.


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Submitted by nixpixmusic on

I had a show last night and plugged my XL1S audio inputs directly from the PA rca outputs...I recorded the lead vocals'keyboard'drums..great.But the lead guitars and bass were low..Is there anything I can do to improve this? software or is it final?

I'm still learning about this camera and it's the best live recording to date

Problem recording with MOTU 8 Pre into Garage Band

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Submitted by rainsong23 on

Somebody please help. I haven't been able to record for about 2 or 3 months now. I was recording a kids camp and everything was ok for the first 4 weeks then my computer just stopped recognizing my MOTU 8 pre interface. I've been to the mac service center about 4 or 5 times and the MOTU service center about 6 or 7 times.