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FS Ever wanted a famous whole API console?

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Submitted by RemyRAD on

My good friend and professional comrade, Bruce Kane of Sterling Productions in Sterling, Virginia, has finally decided to give up his famous SunSetSound, custom Paul Wolff API console.

This is a beautiful desk that has just been completely refurbished and reoutfitted with all new input modules and faders with automation. There are even more modules included that have not yet been assembled or installed.

Here's the link on eBay

I've known this console for over 13 years in this smoke-free studio. The studio was originally owned by Paul Wolff, owner of API audio, my friend and later sold to Bruce Kane, also my friend.

A beautiful 24 track Otari MTR90II is also available and is nearly a steal. He's keeping the second one. Make him a deal he can't refuse. I was even considering this 24 track analog beauty.

For further information don't hesitate to give him a call at Sterling Productions, 703 481-2200

Doesn't get any better than this!

Ms. Remy Ann David