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Good studio headphones?

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Submitted by ORL on Sun, 03/20/2005 - 14:42

can someone give me some input on which studio are good for home recording? My drummer and I are trying to mix drums, guitar and vocals in a small room and need to cancel out the sound as best we can.


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Most studio's I have worked in use the Sony MDR 7506; I would go so far as to say they are standard. They are closed back as to cause little bleed, sound good and are loud.

It is not clear if you are using them to mix with or for musicians to monitor while tracking. But, I'm with Johnjm22; don't mix with cans (headphones). If that is your intention, I would recomend putting your money into a good pair of near field studio monitors.


Sun, 03/20/2005 - 21:23 Permalink
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maintiger wrote: Hey sproll, we are on the same wavelenght again! Where is Dave french, he didn'r show this time... I third the HD 280's- great for recording with no leakage in the tracks- takes a bit getting used to them- its so quiet!

Hehehe... yeah Dave would for sure 4th the 280's - he's the one that convinced me to go with them and I'm really glad I did!

Thu, 03/24/2005 - 07:03 Permalink
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sony 7506 or 09 are very good, but i don't like the japanese all glued together craftmanship, sennheiser's hd 280's are very good for session monitoring, no leakage, damn good isolation... and modular, you trash a part you replace a part...
akg studio 240 are worth looking into as well... also modular for the 'every day use' and there are both comfortable to wear long hours or even days!!

but in terms of sound / price/ comfort & functionality ratio the 280's remaining a great choice......

Mon, 04/25/2005 - 08:11 Permalink
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I haven't used the Senn's but i own a pair of 7506's. They're ideal for tracking. They're quite neutral sounding, and are very good for blocking out noise, and are amazing where low signal leakage is required. They are very comfortable, and EXTREMELY well built. They will easily last 10 years+. They aren't glued together at all as previously stated. They're snaped and even screwed together, and the breakdown diagram is included with the cans. (every part can be ordered from sony if it breaks.) The cans fold down and even come with a bag to keep them in. I'm sure the Senn's are good too but you can't argue with that fact that the 7506's are the industry standard when it comes to tracking.

Mon, 04/25/2005 - 10:03 Permalink
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i never argued that the 7506 / 7509 are very very good sounding, pretty much neutral headphones, but for 100 dollars sound / quality / isolation / ratio the sennheisers are a winner...
ever waited for a sony replacement order?? i did.
and wonder that i am not still waiting...... for the damn part.

but hey if you have the money to spend, in terms of sound i agree, but i would rather buy two pairs of 280 for everyday use...

Mon, 04/25/2005 - 11:54 Permalink