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Headphone distribution

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Submitted by KingSix on

What's the best bang for the bucks? I need one who can plug 4 headphones.


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I own a 4-channel Berinfinger that jg mentions, and a Rane 6-channel I got used off feebay for around 100 bucks.

The 1st is very noisy indeed.

I like the Rane b/c my Firestudio option of sending multiple cues (mixes), and the Rane supports 6 mono/stereo inputs,

each routed to its own individual channel -

whereas the Berinfinger (I like that!) only accepts a single stereo input.

Drummer wants more vocals? Bassist wants more drums? Guitarist only wants to hear himself? Done.

Sun, 01/17/2010 - 21:25 Permalink