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Hello. Im trying to set up my personal home studio. Mostly for solo recording. Im looking for suggestions on how to set it up to its best potential. I have the following gear.

- Digidesign M-Box
- MXL 2001 Condensor Mic
- Sennheiser Mixing Headphones
- Behringer UB1202 Mixer
- PreSonus Mic Pre

Please suggest ways i could chain these items together for the best quality and add any other items into the mix that you guys think would make it better. Thanks.

- Mike

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anonymous Mon, 12/20/2004 - 14:08

Hi mikey,

I'd suggest using the presonus mic pre with your mics when tracking rather than the mixer . . . the presonus mic pre is probably
considerably better than the preamp thrown into that mixer.
Of course if you're tracking a drum set and need plenty of mics at
once then of course the mix will be needed.

Also, the mixer will be handy for using as a volume control for your monitors while listening back and during mixing.


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