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I've heard of people making there own pop filters I believe involving th use of a coat hanger, and panty hoes.

anybody have sugestions
advice, instructions, etc..?


anonymous Sun, 06/27/2004 - 08:17

Pop filter?

I would, but as of now, i am broke,
and even if had the money, I'd still rather make my own for free if what I mean?...

as of now, I usually just slide a piece of like panty hoes, or whatever u call it, thinking that's better than nothing for now....

I dunno though.....
any ideas, advice?
pls help

Kurt Foster Sun, 06/27/2004 - 12:05

Re: How to make Homemade Pop filter?

sampsoniter wrote: I've heard of people making there own pop filters I believe involving th use of a coat hanger, and panty hoes....

anybody have sugestions
advice, instructions, ect ...... if had the money, I'd still rather make my own for free if what I mean?...

as of now, I usually just slide a piece of like panty hoes, or whatever u call it, thinking that's better than nothing for now....

I dunno though.....
any ideas, advice?
pls help

(I said, "no WIRE HANGERS!")

Nothing says pro, like a bent up coathanger with a pair of well worn panty hose stretched over it, .... jury rigged in front of a mic stand (be careful not to touch it, it may fall down).

Panty hose works as long as they don't smell bad. Just be sure to wash them first! :lol:

... so does window sheer matierial. I have seen pop filters for sale for as little as $10, by the time you get a gooseneck and a stand attachment and sacrifice a mic clip, it does make more sense to just purchase one. If you insist, the main thing is to have two layers of mesh with an air space in between them ... embroidery hoops work well and are available in different sizes ...


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