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How do I calibrate my room?

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Submitted by InsaneGenius on

I am just starting out and have my room semi treated to be as dead as I can get on a cheap budget. I am going to be getting monitors soon. When I do. How do I calibrate then to the room? So I get a flat responce on all frequencies?

I want to get the most honest sound I can.




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I'm sure all our acoustics moderators will have some suggestions for you but I can tell you personally, I don't like my control rooms as dead as possible.

A lot of new monitors these days come with the ability to better conform the monitors to the room. They go beyond simple low, middle and high-frequency Contour potentiometers. I have mixed feelings on these systems. Why? Because I want to buy monitors that sound good out-of-the-box. Those are my references and I don't necessarily want to tweak them, to the room. Better to tweak the room for the monitors. But that takes more intelligent thought and design, not to mention mo-money. I have improved the monitoring in numerous control rooms for numerous studios, by simply switching off the active equalization on the monitors that they spent a lot of money on to have an acoustic engineer real-time analyze the room and adjust the equalizer's! It's crap! Really! But every company has to come up with more ideas how to sell stuff. So now you're speakers can calibrate themselves to your room. Bah! Humbug! Stupid fixes for people that don't know any better.

For a good sounding control room, you need proper airspace, room for the bass frequencies to develop, propagate. Then you'll also need diffusion and absorption in varying quantities (think freestanding bookshelves and sofas). Extremes at either end yield inferior results. Then I will have to come out and charge you money to turn off your equalizer's and make sure that your speakers are properly polarized. I expect they'll be in phase but not necessarily properly polarized? Not as big a factor these days with self powered monitors since their internal polarity is generally properly polarized/connected, within.

For me, calibrating a room means, I will listen to numerous reference CDs that I know well. That calibrates me, to the room and the monitors. I like acoustically superior control rooms which I rarely have the ability to work in. Those require the big $'s and the rich kids who can afford it. So frequently, I'm quite displeased with the monitoring environment, in most control rooms of the project variety. All the more reasons to listen on numerous monitors, your car, your clock radio, your Walkman, your MP3 player while jogging or riding your bicycle. It's only then you'll know that you have a good mix and lost a few pounds while reducing your cholesterol.

Down 50 pounds. Up 3 DB.

Ms. Remy Ann David

Wed, 09/12/2007 - 23:01 Permalink
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Thanks remy. I appreciate all the quick responses. :D

my room is 124" x 113" so not overly big. Around 9'x10'. I am making the diy bass traps and putting them in the ceiling corners and down 2 wall corners. I might have enough left over to do a couple bass traps on the wall.

I will post some pictures once I get it all together to see what you think. Of course if I am doing something wrong. Please tell me now. :D

Thu, 09/13/2007 - 21:18 Permalink
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I know that ;)

Are you on a high budget?

I make wooden frames of 120x57 which i fill with rock wool and add a diffusive/irregular front. Then i hang them on the wall or put them in the corner.

To find the spots to treat i just walk around the room, close to the wall.

Have worked fine for my bedroom, the rehearsal room and my friends low budget studio.

Wed, 09/19/2007 - 21:55 Permalink