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Kurt, I promise this kind of post will be done only this time!
Which pro gear/musical stores do you guys recommend me visiting in NY? I mean microphones, hi-hats, TDM plugins& cards, midi modules?
I know of Manny's/Sam Ash, B & H. What else w :)
BTW.. if you could send me PM would be better, do not want the site to become a spam shopping -lol


anonymous Wed, 09/10/2003 - 11:00

This is in middletown which is an hour and a half away from New York city, visit Alto music, even if its an hour and a half away from the city I have not seen any other store that comes close to thier prices. Like for instance a new AKG-414TLII for the price of a ULS everyware else. B&H has an awesome selection though but is the most expensive. If you need dirrections to Alto I can help.