I just got a pair of NS10 set up in my studio. (been using Genelec 1030 before).
The NS10 sound great and really honest! But I need to get a subwoofer as well.
Does anyone know what sub would work great together with the NS10? Is the Yamaha SW10 a good choice or should I go with the KRK sub? Or is there something else out there that's even hotter ;) ?
I'd appreciate if anyone with experience could give me some advice!
By the way: Hi everyone!
Yes. Get there consumer version. Models beginning with the pref
Get there consumer version. Models beginning with the prefix YST...get the biggest wattage one thay make. JJP hipped me this (Although I haven't used mine for awhile....lazy)
I'm using their consumer version, don't remember the model but I
I'm using their consumer version, don't remember the model but I'll post it tomorrow. I use a McIntosh 2100 amp.
I use them with Gen. 1031a's
You could build your own :D http:// [ July 06, 2
You could build your own :D
[ July 06, 2003, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: Kurt Foster ]
I never use a sub with nearfield monitors. Even monitors like N
I never use a sub with nearfield monitors. Even monitors like NS10s with suspect low end. I just A/B test the material everywhere and get to know the monitors.
It's just more work to get a sub going and have that translate honestly into your mix as well. It's nice to have a thumping control room but I get it from my B speaker set up when I need it.
Fela, despite how good of a guesser one might be, it is physical
Fela, despite how good of a guesser one might be, it is physically impossible to hear a sound that doesn't exist. :D
Personally I have time for only one remix from every mix, and I usually dont have to do that, because I know my speakers too(alesis monitor ones), and I have a sub, which however accutarte or inaccurate it may be, gives me a look at the low end, and allows me to make informed decisions about content. I use a 10" sony consumer sub, (cant see the model # because it's hidden behind 200 cables!)and I have been happy with it.
Johan, I have heard that both tascam, and tannoy make excellent subs. Also if you are looking at consumer audio, mission,and paradigm have some really good values.
With all due respect, hundreds of hours of quality music have be
With all due respect, hundreds of hours of quality music have been mixed by very astute engineers using nothing more than NS10s.
Unless you are mixing dance music for club use, it is unlikely that the sub bass that you are concerned about is ever to be heard. If you are mixing dance music, then good for you. You will likely need multiple remixes though.
In the end it's whatever translates the best. If your mixes translate well using a sub then rock on. It's my personal opinion that often they hinder rather than help.
There's a Canadian Company Called Paradigm they have excellent c
There's a Canadian Company Called Paradigm they have excellent consumer/semi-proffessional subs. I use a PDR-10 10" Sub, it also has a built in Limiter. Another user I know of that just bought one for his studio is Terry Pulliam (Producer of Sloan and the "Halifax Sound") He uses it to accompany his Ns-10's and Tannoy far field ref. Monitors!
Check the Mackie HRS120 & HRS150 active subwoofers... seem to be
Check the Mackie HRS120 & HRS150 active subwoofers... seem to be best for the bucks... :)
:) Howdy! I just want to add something. A good friend recen
:) Howdy! I just want to add something.
A good friend recently installed a subwoofer in a well known facility.
The first problem was space, and location for the beast. The second was the xover points were not matching up well.
I have tried the subs myself, even with larger speakers. I found that my acoustics and positioning had a lot to do with not getting down to spec, it's ok now, and I don't use the subs anymore.
What was explained to me, on the NS-10, for judging low end content was to watch the extension of the low end driver.
Put on some music you know has the content, and watch that motion. IOW, the low end content you add, bass, kick, will show a difference in the extension with respect to each other. Watch it using your favorite reference music.
The sub frequency adjustments you make for extension from that point will be for moving air. Really down there. There is a ratio % for bass and kick, your reference may show it, but the exact amount of each escapes me right now, sorry. :(
With this visual reference, you can translate your sub adjustments to other systems. It will take some time and practice.
Just a suggestion,