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Identifying a Shure SM57 - Unidyne III

Submitted by blaumph2cool on Tue, 11/29/2005 - 21:58

So I acquired a box of old miscellaneous audio equipment, rummaging through it I found mostly junk.

Then I came upon the familiar dark-gray die-cast cylinder shaped object that tapers toward the bottom.

Ah yes, it’s a Shure SM57.
But this one looks a little different than the ones I’ve seen.
Looking at the base of the grill I can see what looks like a cross-hairs and the inscription “Unidyne III” and “Shure BROTHERS INCOPERATED”

This thing has a hairline crack in the base of the handle and looks like it had been through the second world war. But, I figure I’d plug it in and see what she sounds like.

I plug straight into my Firepod. No compress, no effects, no EQ. Just the mic and my voice. Man this thing sounds sweet. Tight in the lows crisp in the mids.
Sounds so good on voice I would need to use none or next to none compression with it.

I’ve performed on lots of different SM57s throughout the years. This is the best sounding 57 I’ve heard. Have no idea what year it is, but I think it could be vintage.

