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Wondering if someone is experiencing the same prob as mine:

I bought recently a new pc (Pentium 3.2, Motherboard Asus P5VD1-X)
and it refuses to install my M-Audio Ozone...
it crashes, the sound always sundelly stops, produces weirds clicks
and always stops to function...saying the hardware could not be installed

I have a lot of songs for finish and i am really in dispair...

Can anyone give me some light, please?

thanx in advance

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jonnyc Wed, 03/29/2006 - 07:33

Well there is always the posibility that you pc is having compatability issues. I'd go to m-audio's website and see if there is a compatability page. I couldn't install the cheap cakewalk sequencer when I first got started, cubase however worked fine. So check out compatability, however prepare yourself, just in case it isn't.


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