If XY mics are above drummer should the Nuemann Logio face up or down?
Now the KM183 mics are omni mics, they won´t do very well in X/Y. Try A-B. If you mistyped and meant KM184, the mics are not side addressed, so just point them "forward" towards the drum kit in X/Y. The logos don´t matter much in this case. http://www.Neumannusa.com/pages/products/micProduct.asp?microphone=180
Originally posted by Wilber: The KM 183s For overhead drum mic
Now the KM183 mics are omni mics, they won´t do very well in X/Y. Try A-B. If you mistyped and meant KM184, the mics are not side addressed, so just point them "forward" towards the drum kit in X/Y. The logos don´t matter much in this case. http://www.Neumannusa.com/pages/products/micProduct.asp?microphone=180
What Mats said! :tu:
What Mats said! :tu: