I am still mulling over choosing the correct reverb for my home studio.
I don't want to spend out on a PCM 91 if I won't benefit from it, as my studio is small and the acoustics are not great at all, but is it worth it in the long run to save up and get the better verb - will it make a noticable difference to a mix when using the PCM 91 over the MPX1 and take it closer to a more pro/polished sound?
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The MPX-1 in all aspects isn't even half the unit the PCM-91 is.
The MPX-1 in all aspects isn't even half the unit the PCM-91 is. I have to second AudioGaff's endorsments... 91, 90 or 70... in that order.
Might want to look at the PCM-81 or 80 as a secondary.
I've got a 91 and an 80... can't say that I'd part with either one.
Stay away from the MPX1. I owned one and sold it not too long ag
Stay away from the MPX1. I owned one and sold it not too long ago. It is budget gear equipment. I sold the Lexicon on ebay, and bought an Eventide Eclipse. What a step up in quality.
The Lexicon PCM units will serve you better, if you want a Lexicon unit in your rack.
I'm surprised that several of you dislike the MPX-1 so much. Is
I'm surprised that several of you dislike the MPX-1 so much. Is it really that bad....for a home studio? It must be a step up from my UAD-1 realverb pro?
Paul White in a Sound on Sound review (a few years ago I admit) gave it a thumbs up and likened it to a PCM80
It has certainly dropped in price!
If you have a UAD-1, go for the Plate 140. Dreamverb steps all
If you have a UAD-1, go for the Plate 140. Dreamverb steps all over the realverb too.
Be wary of reviews as a basis for buying gear. I bought a Focusrite TTPro stricly because EM mag gave it 2nd place for some gear of the year thing. What a piece of shit that thing was. Complete waste of time and money.
and it seems you are getting similar advice from the UAD forum :) Keep in mind the Mpx may serve you well enough for now, but what about 12 months from now when your ears/taste develops further? Dont downgrade yourself because "it just a home/project studio".
I don't think it is bad sounding but, I dunno, I just never real
I don't think it is bad sounding but, I dunno, I just never really got into the groove with my MPX1. I've used it on several projects successfully, but it mostly finds a home on the guitar, rarely on vocals and never as a mastering verb. Maybe it is useable that way, but by the time you wade through the arcane menu structure, the thrill is gone. On the other hand, the MPX1 is getting pretty affordable these days.
The 90/91 is just a class act, and holds its own with just about anything out there.
Here's how I'd think about it: if you main use for the box is project studio digital effects, and adding verb to individual instruments to give them more air, the MPX-1 will work for you. If you want to try and create realistic acoustic spaces and perspectives, it will disappoint.
saemskin wrote: Keep in mind the Mpx may serve you well enough f
saemskin wrote: Keep in mind the Mpx may serve you well enough for now, but what about 12 months from now when your ears/taste develops further?
This was my concern. At first the MPX1 sounds O.K. The menu is basic and the sounds are basic too. No real good reverbs and no awesome reverbs. The delays are simple. The programs are simple as well, but the unit really doesn't have the shine or sparkle you would expect from a Lexicon product. And to make matters worse, my other multi-effects processor is a Eventide DSP7000. Now having that directly ontop of the MPX1 really made it sound even worse than it really was.
And much like saemskin said. After about 12 months of "playing around" with the MPX1. Your ear will start to hear more of what sucks about the MPX1 rather than what is good about the MPX1.
It's not a piece of junk, but it is budget gear, if thats what your looking for then you will like the MPX1.
But if you are serious, invest wisely, and buy once. (just maybe not the MPX1)
Good sound is not a question of small homerecording room against
Good sound is not a question of small homerecording room against mammut-building giga whateverprostudio.
Stay with the Lexicon and feel free to experimenting around and let's rock.
It's still your work that builds the sound.
But if you once get close to an Eventide, better don't touch it and close your ears.
Otherwise you will sell your Lexicon and your grandma sameday for getting one of these Eventides. It can infect you totally.
I am saving for an Eventide Harmonizer. Everyone that has one l
I am saving for an Eventide Harmonizer. Everyone that has one loves it. But, how would it compare to a Kurzweil Ksp8? They are both 8 channels but after that I havent a clue. I do have a Mangler and would love to use it on more than 1 channel at a time because I really love the laser verb, and most of the other fx as well.
What about the Eclipse? Is it like a 1 channel Harmonizer? That I could pick up pretty soon-ish, but 1 channel seems too limiting.
I try to control myself into only making purchases that will be useful to me, and fx box's will always play a large part in what I do and Eventide is by all account, the best.
The Eventide Eclipse is a great unit. It is a two channel unit.
The Eventide Eclipse is a great unit. It is a two channel unit. It is the replacement to the H3000 series with about 5X the power.
The newer two rack space non H3000 series Eventides, are in a class by themselves becuase of their power and flexability. Unlike other effects boxes that only have presets and fixed amount of parameters, the newer Eventide units presets are each a unique algorithm. Each units contains all the buliding block modules to create your own custom effects or effect chain algorithms as well as being able to edit/modify any factory preset algorithm to customize as you see fit and resources allow.
Just one good reason why I own three Eventide's and could make use of at least a few more. They are my audio swiss army knife and have been used in every single audio project I've ever done
I think the MPX1 will fit in very well with your current setup.
I think the MPX1 will fit in very well with your current setup. It has a lot of great reverb presets as well as a huge amount of tweekable parameters to tailor verbs very well. IMHO, the MPX1 is all you need.
Have you thought about plug-ins?