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Okay here is a wonderful question for everybody. Are there any good linux based audio recording programs, I basically need a 2 track editor, and on very rare occasions mulitracking.

I work at a studio running a mac based pro tools setup. The only reason I am asking is I am getting a hold of a older labtop that I am basically going to use for email/web etc. I was thinking of trying out linux, as I haven't pulled enough of my hair out yet.

My thought is if I can get a small setup happening, I can do transfers,etc. Just to go on record, I HATE WINDOWS !, the reason for the possible linux switch is for the lack of virus's etc.

thanks for any help




cfaalm Thu, 05/18/2006 - 09:04

It's simple really: start [[url=http://[/URL]="http://linux-sound…"]here[/]="http://linux-sound…"]here[/] and prepare to go bald. :wink:

Perhaps you'd like to share some of your experiences later on.

You "HATE" Windows? Well it's not perfect, but Linux isn't perfect either. If it was a machine just to surf and read e-mail, I'd definately give Linux a try though. Once it will support NTFS natively I'll make it my second boot.

A lot of virusses and spyware infections are from inexperienced or careless users. There are so many precautions you can take, even when running Windows XP.

To each his own.

Good luck!


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