Neither. Use the channel direct outs (pre-EQ, pre-fader) if the live mixer has them, or, if not, the insert sends.
If you use the insert sends, you will need correctly-wired looms with the TRS plugs at the mixer end having tip wired to the ring, and TS plugs at the other end. Never use the "half-inserted" or "first-click" kludge, especially on a board that is being used for live sound.
I agree, not absolutely sure if the crappy console I'm going to have to use has normalized plugs or not for the insert sends (its a behringer...ugh!) but I only have a few hours to get together my set up for recording and sound for a benefit concert. I always enjoy not knowing anything until a few hours before the gig ya know?
If the insert sends and returns aren't on a shared normalized plug, do I typically have to supply a signal back into the return for the channel to still go to the stereo main outs? I don't recall signal flow well enough to remember.
chompersdeluxe wrote: If the insert sends and returns aren't on a shared normalized plug, do I typically have to supply a signal back into the return for the channel to still go to the stereo main outs? I don't recall signal flow well enough to remember.
It depends on the console. Many of the higher-end consoles have sends that are permanently active and returns that can be switched in as an alternative to propagating the pre-amp output into EQ section. The unmentionable board that you mention will not be like that. It will have channel direct outs and/or TRS insert jacks (tip=send, ring=return).
Neither. Use the channel direct outs (pre-EQ, pre-fader) if the
Neither. Use the channel direct outs (pre-EQ, pre-fader) if the live mixer has them, or, if not, the insert sends.
If you use the insert sends, you will need correctly-wired looms with the TRS plugs at the mixer end having tip wired to the ring, and TS plugs at the other end. Never use the "half-inserted" or "first-click" kludge, especially on a board that is being used for live sound.
I agree, not absolutely sure if the crappy console I'm going to
I agree, not absolutely sure if the crappy console I'm going to have to use has normalized plugs or not for the insert sends (its a behringer...ugh!) but I only have a few hours to get together my set up for recording and sound for a benefit concert. I always enjoy not knowing anything until a few hours before the gig ya know?
If the insert sends and returns aren't on a shared normalized plug, do I typically have to supply a signal back into the return for the channel to still go to the stereo main outs? I don't recall signal flow well enough to remember.
how about splitting the mic-signal before it is even near the li
how about splitting the mic-signal before it is even near the live-board...
chompersdeluxe wrote: If the insert sends and returns aren't on
It depends on the console. Many of the higher-end consoles have sends that are permanently active and returns that can be switched in as an alternative to propagating the pre-amp output into EQ section. The unmentionable board that you mention will not be like that. It will have channel direct outs and/or TRS insert jacks (tip=send, ring=return).