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Hello all!

Me and my band have finally decided to do a pro recording. Well the studios are too expencive plus we want to be able to record anytime we want. So now we'r looking for a mixer.

Here's what we have. Guitar, bass, 5 piece drumset (I was thinking like 3 mics for it), and a mic for the vocals.

What whould be the best mixer for it's price and where can I purchase it. We'r not big on cash, so something around $100-$200. And is mixer all i'm gonna need?

Thanks a lot and I welcome any sugesstions or corrections.

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sproll Thu, 02/10/2005 - 07:04

I agree Kurt. :roll:

VFactor, if you're really short on cash and want a half decent recording, what I would suggest is this.

Play a gig somewhere where you will be micing everything. Get a soundman to run the mixerboard for you and do all that knob twiddling stuff. Make sure you have a good long soundcheck so he can get levels right, and then chuck a mini disc recorder or a tape machine on the outs of the mixer. If he wants to further tweak the levels of each instrument, get him to run a separate mix out of the board and record that.

It may not sound like the "pro" recording you were looking for, but with the amount of money you have to spend I think it is the best option. You may be quite surprised with the results, I know my band was and we only used a tape machine! Now we have some half decent gear and don't have to do that anymore.

**Remember** If you decide to record the live gig, keep your stage volume as low as possible. That way, your soundman will be able to bring the instruments up in the speakers and therefore you will get heard on the recording. Basically, the louder you play your instrument on stage, the quieter you will be on tape. (Unless he is running a separate mix)

Hope this helps, and when you get 4 or 5 grand to throw around then we can help you.


sproll Mon, 03/07/2005 - 06:41

Yuk... why do people buy this crap?

Everyone, save your money and buy something good. Just because it "works" doesn't mean your sound isnt suffering from it.

I have used this Behringer board and while it works, the sound quality is not great and there are many features it doesnt have that I like. Myself, I have a Mackie 1604 VLZ pro and while it isn't the best out there, it is a great a little mixer for live use and some recording. Sure, the pres aren't the greatest but I think it makes up for it with functionality... and compared to the Behringer the sound that comes out of this mixer just blows it away.

Some good mixers out there, hmm... can't go wrong with Yamaha, Allen and Heath... I'm sure there are tons of others but I'm not a pro when it comes to this. My sole reason for posting was to tell people to stop buying Behringer. :) hehe... really tho, if you're paying half the price of most other gear, what do you think you're going to get?

anonymous Mon, 03/07/2005 - 18:05

I have used this Behringer board and while it works, the sound quality is not great and there are many features it doesnt have that I like. Myself, I have a Mackie 1604 VLZ pro and while it isn't the best out there, it is a great a little mixer for live use and some recording. Sure, the pres aren't the greatest but I think it makes up for it with functionality... and compared to the Behringer the sound that comes out of this mixer just blows it away

I have used both those mixer as well, and the Makie is not $500 better, sorry, but that board was going for $750, and the board I got went for $250

I have used for Live applications, with some very good results, this purchase allowed to invest in my other equipment, and get some Great Zildjian Cymbals for my drums

We were able to put on show with fantastic sound, I mean how "clean" does a mic pre need to be for punk music?

I have used it for studio for years, it is a versatile little board, and I have more than gotten my money out of it

I know they are not the best, not even close, but come on I paid $250 and got a board that enabled me to not only start learning how to record, but also effect alot of other people by using my sound board for live applications

Don't dump on Behringer, not unless you know what its like not to have ANY money at all and find exactly what you need for your little band for $250

Mackie stuff may be a little better, but why bother, I'll just jump up to the MUCH higher qaulity stuff lik Allen and Heath

sproll Tue, 03/08/2005 - 06:44

That is where we differ in opinion, and that is fine. I still hold by the fact that I believe the Mackie IS worth the extra money. Besides, I got mine used on Ebay in perfect shape for less than half of the MSRP. You gotta look for the deals man.

You have a difference in opinion and I respect that. Just like the fact that you use Zildjian cymbals and I use Sabian. I have used both, and was a Zildjian lover for a long time... but then I won a drumming award and was taken to the Sabian factory where I got to choose all my own cymbals from them right there. I got to see how they were made, how they sound, and the history of the company. They blow away my old A Custom Zildjians, and by the way... did you know that all the people working at the Sabian factory are old Zildjian workers when they bought it out? That's right... all those 10, 20 and even 30 year employees are making Sabians, not Zildjians. Zildjian had to hire people off the street and train them after the buy out. Interesting eh?

Check em out. :)

anonymous Wed, 03/09/2005 - 07:03

Just like the fact that you use Zildjian cymbals and I use Sabian. I have used both, and was a Zildjian lover for a long time.

I only use Zildjians as crashes, I LOVE sabian cymbals, but ended up finding a great deal on some Custom Dark K's, and could,t pass it up

If you can believe it I use a Sabian B8 ride, yes the bottom rung B8 ride, I love the bell on it, its so bright and clear, for the hat, Sabian A's, natural, they have to be natural, I don't know why but I like the sound better from natural finish cymbals than the glossy ones, and yes somehow they all sonically work together

As for the behringer thing, I think if a young kid wants to learn, its a great tool for that without dishing out all sorts of cash.

I do still use my Behringer Board, and will probably stop when we get our firewire interface

It has been a great board for me, allowed me to have a lot of musical experiences I would of otherwise not had, I will probably never get rid of it. I guess I could use it for a monitor board when we start doing live shows again

sproll Wed, 03/09/2005 - 07:37

Man, a B8? :) :lol:
Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Man, you have to try out this ride that I have, it is incredible... the best ride I have ever played and the bell on it is sweet and can be LOUD! :D

21" Sabian Hand Hammered Raw Bell Dry Ride

They are quite pricey, but wow... what a ride. If you ever see one in a store go hit it.

anonymous Wed, 03/09/2005 - 08:33

21" Sabian Hand Hammered Raw Bell Dry Ride

Oh there are rides that I like more, but have been too expensive, the rest of the B8 cymbals are pretty bad(but good for entry level), so I just went with what I liked, there is a Paiste ride that I LOVE (SLOBBER), but it is way WAY to much money

It don't matter, cause right now we are recording, and to make it easy we record with my V-drums, at least untill we have an acceptable array of mics to record the drums with, Looking at the SP C4's for overheads and drooling (I think I've got some sort of drooling issue)