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LUCID ADA converters. Up to par with?

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Submitted by MichaelHammar on


I have 2 888/24's and an AD-8000 in our studio and recently we've been making plans for a B room. My question.

I've seen a lot of talk about the Lucid AD's and would like to know in what "category" they are...

Also any users of Lucid Genx6's? Any comparisions of these with the Aardvarks?

There are no Lucid dealers in our area so I can't just call them up and try them out... I really would like to know if they are up to par with the Apogees and Aardvarks

Fletcher, I'm sure you've worked the Lucids to death so do you have any opinions/criticisms of these?


Michael Hammar

Alfa Music, BMG


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We did a shootout with one of the 8 channel units, a Rosetta, and a PSX-100 standard version. There were no significant differences between the two Apogees (according to Apogee they are the same exact A/D, but the SE version has a beefier power supply and better analog components). The Lucid stood up very well, in some ways better than the Apogee. Although, I would tend to pick and choose where I would want each on specific sources, just like a mic pre selection.

Off the top of my head I would use the Apogee on sounds that I wanted less transparent, I don't know if colored is the right word...Most likely though I would use the Apogee on electric guitars and bass, kick and snare and the Lucid on overheads/room, lead voxs (and maybe use the Apogee on backups just to further some type of sonic seperation), acoustic guitars, synth, samples. All in all, the Lucids are an incredible deal, from a very under-rated company. Maybe if they painted their units purple they would get noticed more :p I hope this helped a bit.

Best Regards,

Nathan Eldred

Atlas Pro Audio, Inc.

Mon, 07/16/2001 - 10:40 Permalink