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Hi all,

I have a choice between a new Mackie Control Universal Pro* at EUR 1,200 or a used Mackie Universal Controller eMagic** for EUR 400. Naturally, the used one seems more attractive but can anyone advise if it will integrate as well with Sonar 8.5 as the newer model will?

Many thanks for advice!

* [=""]Mackie Control Universal Pro Expandable DAW Controller[/]="http://www.soundsli…"]Mackie Control Universal Pro Expandable DAW Controller[/]
** [[url=http://="http://www.adverts…"]Mackie Universal Controller Usb For Sale in Galway from travelman[/]="http://www.adverts…"]Mackie Universal Controller Usb For Sale in Galway from travelman[/]


pcrecord Sat, 03/08/2014 - 06:04

I've got an old used non pro version a couple of weeks ago. I'm happy with it. Make sure you have the sonar lexan overlay with it. Mine did'nt have it so I taped taged the buttons to fit the sonar fonctions. It has midi communication only but It was very easy to make it work with sonar X3.. I think it will be the same with 8.5. The only thing it needs is a DAW compatible with the mackie control protocol in the controller settings.

My only downside is that the faders are a bit noisy when they move. When I get time I'll check if they need lubrication.

pcrecord Mon, 03/10/2014 - 07:16

As I said earlier, the usb version comes with its own midi controler. What it meens is that when you install the drivers and plug the usb cable the controler will become available in sonar. You go in the controler settings, click new, choose Mackie control as the type, then choose in and out to the mackie control ports (created via USB). If you are still insecure, you can go in the controler settings without having the controller to check if you see mackie control in the list. This will confirm that the 8.5 version is compatible (of course you one find the in and out ports unless you connect the unit)