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i've just been handed an opportunity to assistant tech a really big gig.. some bands that are big in the UK.. it's on friday and i'm looking forward to it! any tips to impress the engineer whilst I'm there? i wanna make an impression, just any quick fir suggestions?


MadMax Tue, 11/11/2008 - 08:04

• Don't stand around with your hands in your pockets.
• Don't ask too many questions, other than to clarify what your next task is.
• Watch out for the regular crew... if you got a spare minute, go snag water, food, etc for the rest of the guys.
• Snag the running end of the snake, power, etc. and go like hell. Don't run, but don't drag yer ass either.
• Anticipate the next obvious step and be ready to do it.
• Don't puddle in front of, or to the acts. You're there to work.
• DON'T ask for autographs or swag.
• DON'T get lost during the in or the out. Be there.
• DON'T be late, DON'T be on time... Be EARLY.
• DO ask if there's anything else you can do to help.

Thomas W. Bethel Tue, 11/11/2008 - 21:52

MadMax wrote: • Don't stand around with your hands in your pockets.
• Don't ask too many questions, other than to clarify what your next task is.
• Watch out for the regular crew... if you got a spare minute, go snag water, food, etc for the rest of the guys.
• Snag the running end of the snake, power, etc. and go like hell. Don't run, but don't drag yer ass either.
• Anticipate the next obvious step and be ready to do it.
• Don't puddle in front of, or to the acts. You're there to work.
• DON'T ask for autographs or swag.
• DON'T get lost during the in or the out. Be there.
• DON'T be late, DON'T be on time... Be EARLY.
• DO ask if there's anything else you can do to help.

Good list. I can only add...

Do everything in a safe manner, watch where you are walking and be aware of everything that is happening around you at all times, getting caught up in the show is great if you are an audience member but not so good if you are working the show. Stay well hydrated and carry some energy bars with you in case the lunch or supper break is late or never happens.

You might want to go out and get one of the new LED flashlights that you can put on a lanyard around your neck so when you are back stage and someone says to replug 13 to 3 you can actually see what you are doing in a near blackout condition.

Best of Luck and be safe!

JoeH Wed, 11/12/2008 - 00:47

Dont' forget a leatherman-style tool, and a good writing utensil, like a sharpie or waterproof pen.

Stay sober and sane, (drink water, soft drinks, tea or coffee ONLY) bring snacks if you need to keep your energy level up before they call for lunch or dinner breaks.

Unless it's life and death, don't use your phone for personal biz, but do give the number to your boss; you never know when they'll need something done in a pinch. We sometimes use cell phones in lieu of intercoms if there's good coverage at a venue, it's a quick and easy way to stay in touch for a touch up here, or an emergency there.

Most of all, be cool, calm and collected. You are there to do a job. THe fans are in the audience.


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