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Hey guys
Sorry I haven't been around at all it's just that life has been a bit hectic and I'm trying to get organized on my move to a new place. I'm moving in with my fiance in a week or so plus work has me staying late building products and doing lots o soldering work! Fun fun fun fun fun. My eyes are cross eyed from soldering little IC chips all day long! I feel I'm getting wall eye disease from it!
Anyways, I'm sure there will be plenty o people to help out as always. I will be back as soon as I can but until good to one another and keep those ANUS machines a rocking!
Peace out :D


anonymous Thu, 02/20/2003 - 19:07

I've also been busy with relocating this week. My wife, the three little ones and I moved back to Murfreesboro(about 30 minutes east of Nashville). We're still unpacking, lol. That, teamed with...
- My eldest son's B-day on the 8th(he lives in W.Va. with his mother. 18hour drive,round trip)
- St. Valentine's day(which also marked the 5th wedding anniversary to my current wifey)
- And a sinus/chest cold that makes zombies realize what good fortune they have.

Needless to say, I can sympathize with you, Opus. Good luck with the transition.

Kemble Fri, 02/21/2003 - 06:44

Originally posted by DezertDawg:
Hey Blutone, watch out for that sinus/chest cold. Mine turned into ammonia and ....

Did you just say your bacterial/viral infection turned into AMMONIA??!!!
I think I just peed myself. Which, by the way, contains ammonia by products. So if you peed out your sickness, it could indeed turn into ammonia.

Ammonia (NH 3 )— A chemical compound consisting of
four atoms: one of nitrogen and three of hydrogen.


:D Jeff Z :p:

Opus2000 Fri, 02/21/2003 - 16:57

Thanks for the support guys. I'll be back as soon as I can! I need to get in to the new place...get cable internet as soon as possible..get Direct TV as soon as possible(after Cable Internet of course!!!) then set everything up! Oh joy oh joy!
Been working so hard lately I don't knwo what a life is!!! Let's just say I have truly earned my soldering wings lately! Minute IC soldering and tiny tiny little resistor and capacitor eyes are indeed hurting. Coming home and sitting in front og the computer has not been my ideal thing to do but for you guys I will! Awww...such love huh?! Hee hee :D
Anyhue, fiance just arriving so I must go get some din din with her!
Cheers all
Opus :p

Opus2000 Sat, 03/08/2003 - 16:07

Yup, alive and well...still breathing indeed!
SOS....dragon was not mine! Wish he was as he is really cool! Oh well. One of these days I'll get one of my own. Right now I need to adjust to this new place! It's a really nice two bedroom house duplex. We have the front part and it even has a fence with a lawn in front too! :D
Move went well, we just finished pretty much doing everything today.
We get Direct TV installed on Tuesday so that will be the final touch!


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