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i'm about to embarq on building myself an "anus" to put Nuendo and possibly HaLION 2.0.

i need some advice to choose the memory.
the mobo i'm considering is ASUS P4PE with a Northwood 533MHz (i might not afford the 3GHz HT)

i know the max is 2GB: is 2GB an overkill?
if not, how do you organize that into 3 DIMM slots?
do you have to get matched pairs?
i know i need DDR333 184-pin, but which one to get?
Corsair seems to be recommended by Asus.
[=""]this matched pair[/]="http://www.komplett…"]this matched pair[/], [[url=http://="http://www.komplett…"]2 or 3 of those[/]="http://www.komplett…"]2 or 3 of those[/], yet [=""]2 or 3 of those[/]="http://www.komplett…"]2 or 3 of those[/] or [[url=http://="http://www.komplett…"]those[/]="http://www.komplett…"]those[/] and [=""]this one[/]="http://www.komplett…"]this one[/] states PC2700 but the bus clock rate is DDR400/PC3200.

there's a lot of difference in price; i'm confused; and that's just Corsair; there's also Crucial in [[url=http://="http://www.komplett…"]that list[/]="http://www.komplett…"]that list[/].

can someone shed some light on this matter, i'm lost :confused:

thanx in advance,



anonymous Fri, 05/30/2003 - 13:19


Documentation in the P4PE manual states:

"This motherboard does not support double sided x16 DDR DIMM."

What exactly does that mean? I just purchased 2 Kingston (KHX2700/512) 512Mb PC2700 DDR 333 but haven't installed them yet. How do I tell if they are or are not double sided x16 DDR DIMM?



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