I want to use my bass as a midi trigger - to trigger trilogy. What type of hard ware do i need to get for the bass I know that these midi pickups seem to work pretty good, but is there any other hadrware i need to get other than the pickup?
i can play keyboard, ive actually been playing piano since im 7 years ols - im 25 now. Anyway, i can get a real bass guitar feel out of a keyboard, when Im playing the keyboard my bass lines sound like a keyboard not a bass. I was checking out the brian moore guitars i was pretty impressed with the midi functionality - any insight on the brian moores?
Brian Moore makes really nice stuff...but if you're goin for a good midi-trigger pickup...go with a bass with Lightwave Pickups - I know Zon has them as a stock option (but Zon basses don't tend to be cheap) but i believe you can get the pickups aftermarket and have someone install'em for you. they're about as accurate and low-latency as you can get from what i understand.
?? a sound module or soft synth software for your computer Yo
a sound module
or soft synth software for your computer
You need to reseach this very carefully.
even so
I would suggest a Bass guitar dedicated to midi triggering
and you may feel it better to get a midi guitar
Like the development into BOX drums with V-Drums and all the competitors the guitar synth has changed greatly over the past 20 years
Ever release is better than before and ALL the problems have been solved
yeah right
until the next release ... and so on
Learn to play the keyboard ??
reseach this very carefully and try the solutions out in live and realistic situations before you jump.
i can play keyboard, ive actually been playing piano since im 7
i can play keyboard, ive actually been playing piano since im 7 years ols - im 25 now. Anyway, i can get a real bass guitar feel out of a keyboard, when Im playing the keyboard my bass lines sound like a keyboard not a bass. I was checking out the brian moore guitars i was pretty impressed with the midi functionality - any insight on the brian moores?
sorry haven't looked at them and mostly only seen the various in
haven't looked at them and mostly only seen the various incarnations of the Roland gear ... and a couple of others.
Like electronic drums ... it all comes down to your expectations and needs.
you can or can't get your fingers to sound like a bass guitar ??
if this is for live work then you must try things out in a typical situation
this is going to be for studio work only, i just really want to
this is going to be for studio work only, i just really want to utilize these patches in trilogy, and the keyboard just doesnt swing it.
i guess ill go buy some midi setup and see how it works.
if you have a spare and little used bass then this might be the
if you have a spare and little used bass then this might be the one to put the hardware on to.
Strings and action can help the way the midi trigger units respond.
A very personal thing.
I know of one person that made a midi guitar with spare parts and ended up with the same gauge string on all strings
no good if you want to blend a real bass sound with the sound module in real time
Brian Moore makes really nice stuff...but if you're goin for a g
Brian Moore makes really nice stuff...but if you're goin for a good midi-trigger pickup...go with a bass with Lightwave Pickups - I know Zon has them as a stock option (but Zon basses don't tend to be cheap) but i believe you can get the pickups aftermarket and have someone install'em for you. they're about as accurate and low-latency as you can get from what i understand.