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I've had my studio projects c1 for at least 6 or 7 years. i've owned since then, only a few nicer mics, (groove tubes gt66, blue blueberry, sure ksm32, 421II, sm7b, not much too special, but still a few good ones, and have been plugged into my gt brick, api512c, purple biz, osa preamps going through my fireface 800. yet for some odd reason, haven't found one i like better then the C1. and i'm not here trying to say the C1 is awesome or prase it. i'm just trying to find one thats clear-colored, (since i want to use this mic for vocals, yet want it to have character) i have good preamps and a good interface. i'm thinking of a mojave now. any other suggestions? I'm not stating a price range, i'm not looking to get a 3grand mic used for orchestral dynamic arrangement recording. i need character, clarity, body, and mids (with high mids to cut through).

you know what i've got and what i've used. i know that different singers sound better/different with different mics. but i'm looking for something to try out, that won't be on a "commercial studio" budget.




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