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this might be a dumb question...

does anyone have some raw audio files from any sessions that you've done in the past? i would love to have some more practice for mixing some tracks that are already down and recorded. i'm limited to how many artists i can get in to record (advertising is difficult) and i enjoy it so much that this is just something that i would love to do. any feedback would be great.


anonymous Mon, 07/04/2005 - 13:14

hey, i would also like to try this!!!

and just fyi, i will not insult or criticise anything.

i am volunteering to do this, so, it does not have to be up to any standard, or anything.

i get the impression that people do not want to try this because of someone else offering to do this, and then critisizing it and telling them that its crap (oops, forgot to mention that i am NOT referring to the guy that started this topic... :) ).

no need to worry.


anonymous Mon, 07/04/2005 - 13:28

yeah i think it could turn into something really cool - for example: one person records a set standard pro tools session with all the pieces recorded, then makes it available for download. then whoever wants to participate can go in and get as creative as possible. then after a week or so, we can go and listen to all of the different mixes that the different people came up with.

anyone else think this could be fun?

anonymous Mon, 07/04/2005 - 20:30

jazzy655 wrote: Any of you guys willing to try mixing some hiphop? I've got some sessions, and i'd love to hear what someone with more experience could do with them. Let me know....

hey what sup man.

just wanted to say that i am willing to try and mix any type of music, it really does not matter one bit, as long as they are wav or mp3 files.

also, i don't know about having a more experience, but thats what i want to try to get.


anonymous Tue, 07/05/2005 - 08:12

PERRANFULO wrote: [quote=jazzy655]Any of you guys willing to try mixing some hiphop? I've got some sessions, and i'd love to hear what someone with more experience could do with them. Let me know....

hey what sup man.

just wanted to say that i am willing to try and mix any type of music, it really does not matter one bit, as long as they are wav or mp3 files.

also, i don't know about having a more experience, but thats what i want to try to get.


cool. ok, i'll see if i can get a session in wav format up on my server for u to download. i'll let you know

anonymous Tue, 07/05/2005 - 14:15

hey actually, mp3 is fine.

also, i ain't sure if you know what i mean as in mix or not (correct me if i am wrong, and i do apologize if i am), but i mean mix as in mix every "instrument" and vocal indivvidually so that they fit together in the song, not mix as in re arrange the song as a whole.

just thought i'd say that in case any of you (or me :lol: ) were confused.


anonymous Tue, 07/05/2005 - 20:00

Nice work, jazzy655.

There is a site with a few songs, They charge 5 bucks for the tracks though. Their songs are rock songs though.

I'd be interested in taking some mixes on as well. If you wanna go .wav files and mp3 that would be cool.
I have some web space to host on. Email me and I'll give you ftp info and you can upload and then make available to all. This goes for anyone else who wants to hosts their tracks for a minute, :-).

renken "at"


anonymous Wed, 07/06/2005 - 07:14

ken_m wrote: Nice work, jazzy655.

There is a site with a few songs, They charge 5 bucks for the tracks though. Their songs are rock songs though.

I'd be interested in taking some mixes on as well. If you wanna go .wav files and mp3 that would be cool.
I have some web space to host on. Email me and I'll give you ftp info and you can upload and then make available to all. This goes for anyone else who wants to hosts their tracks for a minute, :-).

renken "at"


hey thanks man. means a lot

anonymous Wed, 07/06/2005 - 11:03

ken_m wrote:
There is a site with a few songs, They charge 5 bucks for the tracks though. Their songs are rock songs though.

I run Thanks for the mention. I would be interested to know what type of tracks, other than rock you would be interested in. I have been considering either country or blues for the next round. I am open to suggestions though.

anonymous Wed, 07/06/2005 - 18:31

Hi Eric. I may have a mix for you in a few days, I got the new song the other day. I used though too many times in my post. I didn't mean for it to sound like I didn't like the price or songs... grrr, I likey, me likey. I said though because it seemed the consensus here was for hip-hop. But Eric you do provide hours 'O fun.
Your welcome on the mention.

Also, you are welcome too jazzy, again good recordings. What gear did you use, mics, pre's, recorders..

anonymous Wed, 07/06/2005 - 18:38

Ken, Check out the track sheet:

It lists the mics and pre's I used on each track. The console is a Trident A-Range. I used console pre's on a few tracks, but mostly outboard pre's.

Here's a link to the studio I recorded the tracks at:

Glad to hear you are having fun with the tracks!

anonymous Thu, 07/07/2005 - 09:05

yo Ken,

The stuff was tracked in my bedroom believe it or not. Since then, I've had a chance to build a nice little control room adjacent to a nice little live room, but that stuff was done before my older brother moved out so it was tracked in my little ity bity room.

Here's was my signal chain:

Audio Technica 4060 => Focusrite ISA428 => RME ADI-2 converters => Cubase SX => My Halfass mixing skills

Thanks for the comments, i've actually been really selfconcious about how the quality of the actual recordings is coming out. Your comment will help me chill out....for a while at least.

anonymous Thu, 07/07/2005 - 10:32

jazzy655 wrote: yo Ken,

The stuff was tracked in my bedroom believe it or not. Since then, I've had a chance to build a nice little control room adjacent to a nice little live room, but that stuff was done before my older brother moved out so it was tracked in my little ity bity room.

Here's was my signal chain:

Audio Technica 4060 => Focusrite ISA428 => RME ADI-2 converters => Cubase SX => My Halfass mixing skills

Thanks for the comments, i've actually been really selfconcious about how the quality of the actual recordings is coming out. Your comment will help me chill out....for a while at least.

Cool. You have some nice gear.

Back in the day.. many moons ago, from 1992-1994, I used to record all the local hip-hop artists in VA. I started out on a Tascam 424, 4 -track! I used an SP1200, a DJ, a digitech RDS8000 time machine and a SM57. Ha-- good times.

If you want to put up some files for people to take a crack at mixing for fun, I'll host them too. That offer goes for anyone.

anonymous Fri, 07/08/2005 - 18:17

jazzy655 wrote: hey guys, sorry i haven't put the sessions up yet. been real busy. i'll try tonight

Looking forward to it!!

For anyone wanting to upload sessions, wav's, etc. Audio only please, :lol: nothing nasty, :lol:

Upload to my FTP server:
User: audio
password: audio
port: 21

You can use this same info to download from as well. BTW, I will change the password on a daily basis and note the change here.