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I'm new here, so I hope that this is the correct place for my question.

I will be recording a live band in the near future, and will be multitracking onto an Alesis HD24. Having never used one of these units, my question is: how much recording time do you get? I'll be recording 16 tracks at 24-bit, 44.1kHz.

Any help is appreciated!

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TheJackAttack Fri, 02/26/2010 - 12:13

That will depend entirely on the size of the hard drive(s) you are using as well as the sampling rate/how many tracks you've armed. Page 5 of the manual states:

Recording time per each 10 gigabytes @ 48kHz:
45 minutes x 24 tracks; @ 96kHz: 45 minutes x 12 tracks

That means you should get a little more time from just using 16 tracks but I'd use Alesis' recommendation for my hard drive size reckoning.

anonymous Sat, 02/27/2010 - 10:48

Thanks to everyone for their advice!

Ah... so the recording time is limited only by the size of the drive. Considering that I'll be renting the Alesis, I'd expect that it only comes with the original 10GB drive.

We'll be looking at a 'set it and forget it' scenario, so I'm guessing that it would be in my best interest to get a big drive, set the levels, and let it do it's thing.

Alternatively, would it be wise to record the first set, transfer the audio files to computer, then re-use the drive for the second set? Altogether I'd be looking at 2 1/2 hours of 16-track 44.1 audio.

MadMax Sat, 02/27/2010 - 10:56

Check with the rental folks, and be sure it's coming with two drives... Track the 1st set on drive one, set 2 with drive two. All you have to do is set up each drive with one song.. select that song... arm trax and go. Then at the 2nd set.. select drive 2... select the song.. arm trax and go.

Pretty standard stuff.

Also, be sure you get the FireDrive and a copy of HD24 Connect, or FSTConnect... that way you can transfer.

I would seriously doubt you're gonna be able to transfer all the 1st set in 15-20 minutes... Start the transfer from drive one at the break. That way it'll be done by the end of the 2nd set.

****BE SURE you press STOP at the end of the recording!!!****
Otherwise, you risk having to edit the drive contents to recover your files...... NO FUN!!

If the unit is going to come w/o drives, be sure you at least get 2 caddies.

anonymous Sat, 02/27/2010 - 11:06

MadMax, post: 300886 wrote:
Also, be sure you get the FireDrive and a copy of HD24 Connect, or FSTConnect... that way you can transfer.

I would seriously doubt you're gonna be able to transfer all the 1st set in 15-20 minutes... Start the transfer from drive one at the break. That way it'll be done by the end of the 2nd set.

When I'm using my own drives, I take them out of the HD24 caddies, put them in a standard USB2.0 external caddy and transfer with [[url=http://[/URL]="http://ringbreak.dn…"]HD24Tools[/]="http://ringbreak.dn…"]HD24Tools[/]