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MixCraft And FireWire?

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Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 09/26/2009 - 07:40

So, I am using MixCraft 4.0 on my notebook PC and I have a 3 PORT FIREWIRE PCMCIA Adapter and I cannot figure out weather MixCraft is compatible with this kind of setup.

The reason I just can't test it is because I dont yet have the hardware. I have ordered a PreSonus 1394 FireWire Audio Interface:

And I was wondering if anybody knows enough about MixCraft 4.0 to tell me if this setup is supported by the software?



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I recently purchased a Firewire Solo (downloaded updates as well) and attempted to record into a pre-existing project in Mixcraft 4 (newest version installed). I have already recorded acoustic guitar (live audio), bass (live audio), electric guitar (live audio), drums (Reason 4), trumpet (live audio), and t-bones (First Call Horns VST). When I play the song it sounds great with no problems. The problems arise when I arm a vocal track for recording and start recording. My trumpet track exhibits major latency. I then proceed to mute that track and everything works fine

Mon, 11/09/2009 - 03:32 Permalink