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Hey guys, I'm new here so I hope this post is in the right forum?

Basically, I'm studying for an Honours degree in Creative Music Technology, and for my dissertation I've chosen to investigate how peer-to-peer file sharing has affected people working in various capacities in the music industry.

I was just wondering if any of you wouldn't mind taking a minute to fill in my questionnaires? They're only short, and it'd be a big help to me.

Effects of File Sharing on Musicians Survey - This survey is aimed at people working in the industry as musicians, e.g. a gigging band, session musician etc.

Effects of File Sharing on Those Who Record and Sell Music Survey - This survey is aimed at people recording or selling music, e.g. recording engineers, record company personnel, retail assistants etc.

Cheers in advance, your input would be MUCH appreciated :biggrin:

P.S. This is genuine... I ain't jus' some spam-bot!

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